Basic models and IT solutions on one platform

Models of any complexity

Any complexity of the model and any integration of the model into the IT infrastructure

generic graph models

Typical model setup

Ready-to-use features for typical tasks
Visual design of forms and reports
Tools to analyze the sensitivity of the model, identify the weak link and find a solution

models with any logic

Any logic of element connections

Calculation any number of parameters
Monte Carlo method for stochastic simulation
Scenario and imitation modeling
Search for solutions and nonlinear optimization using heuristic algorithms
Full life cycle of models

Framework for model development and execution

Flexible configuration  for any workflow.


almaGRID – Studio

Development environment of graph mathematical models
Automated workplace for analytics
Configuring connectors to source data and reports based on simulation results


almaGRID – Model

The model can be launched from a application familiar to the user
The user of the model does not need to understand the model algorithm
The user of the model has enough experience working with office or engineering software


almaGRID – Robot

API to use in your solutions
Elimination of "human factor" when updating and using the model
Interfacing with the IT environment and "seamless" integration into business processes
Examples of models and box solutions

Take advantage of examples and model templates

You can create the model by yourself or with the help of our team

Equipment reliability

Continuity of the production process
Organization of maintenance
Asset management automation

Quality of goods and services

"Zero" defects and production waste
Increasing of process stability
Quality management automation

Roles and responsibilities

Competency management for better business performance
Staff behavior
Staffing automation

Goals and activities of the organization

Planning of organization development
Cascading strategic objectives to operational activities
Effective Meetings

Business process risks

Stability of business processes
Impact of staff behavior
Automation of incident investigations

Marketing and sales

Demand-affecting factors
Assortment management
Business process automation

Value chains

On Shelf Availability (OSA)
Improving supply chain reliability
Business process automation

Project risks

Project deviation from deadlines and budget
Construction projects
Equipment installation and start-up projects
R&D and IT projects
how to begin

Create your first model

We know that the most valuable thing is your time. We will help you easily start using the models and carry out all routine operations.

We offer


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Need a process model?

Our experts are ready to help you

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